Tuesday, May 15, 2007

He said

He said: how come bizarre things happen to you and to no one else? How come a bottle of wine knocks over a glass of water, which spills over onto the counter top and then tiny splashes of water reach the keyboard of the laptop (tiny, but big enough to turn it into a very expensive doormat)? How come you take off your wedding band and somehow it slips thru your fingers and flies down into an unreachable whole in the back seat of the car.

Me:I truly don't know!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007


1. Lumturia e plote per ju eshte?
prane detit

2. Cfare ju ben te zgjoheni ne mengjes?
me zgjojne ca te teshtitura te fuqishme, ndezje televizori e dritash, ca perplasje dyersh

3. Hera e fundit qe u shkrite duke qeshur?
te shtunen e kaluar, per pak me shpetoi cici

4. Vetia kryesore e karakterit tend cila eshte?

5. Mungesa juaj kryesore?
dikush do thoshte rregullsia

6. Ne cilat gabime tregoheni me tolerant?
ne ato pa zarar

7. Me cilen figure historike je e apasionuar?
audrey hepburn-nuk e di ne eshte figure historike

8. Cilet jane sot, heronjte tuaj?
askush ne vecanti, njerez te zakonshem qe jetojne me pasion endrrat e tyre

9. Udhetimi juaj me I dashur?
copenhagen, denmark- sa do doja ti rikthehesha

10. Shkrimtaret tuaj me te dashur?
milan kundera, isabelle allende, marquez, orphan pamuk, paulo coelho,

11. Cilin virtyt vleresoni tek nje burre?
forcen e karakterit;humorin

12. …dhe tek nje grua?
instiktet e nenes

13. Kompozitori juaj I preferuar?

14. Kengen qe fishkellen kur je ne dush?
zakonisht i tremb njerezit kur kendoj, kshu qe as ne dush sja lejoj vetes

15. Libri me mbreselenes?
the picture of dorian gray-oscar wilde

16. Filmi me mbreselenes?
the sea inside

17. Piktori juaj i dashur?
salvador dali

18. Ngjyra juaj e preferuar?

19. Cilin quani, suksesin me te madh tuajin?
me pyet mbas nja 3-4 vjetesh

20. Pija juaj e preferuar?
vere e kuqe

21. Per cfare jeni penduar me shume?
qe per disa persona kam dhene aq shume, dhe ne fund kam marr vetem zhgenjim

22. Cfare urreni me shume nga cdo gje?
njerezit qe shtiren, ata qe ndiejne nevojen te duken

23. Kur nuk shkruani, cili eshte hobi juaj?

24. Frika juaj me e madhe?

25. Ne cilin rast, zgjidhni te thoni genjeshtra?
kur e verteta do shkaktonte me dem se nje genjeshter

26. Cila eshte motoja juaj?

27. Si do preferonit te vdisnit?
prane detit

28. Nese do ju ndodhte te takonit Zotin, cfare do te donit t’ju thoshte?
te me fali qe se kam besuar

29. Ne c’gjendje shpirterore ndodheni kesi kohe?
lemsh i madh

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mr. Eggplant

Meet my friend Mr. Eggplant, he was eaten for lunch on Tuesday (turli). My mom is very funny, she had brought over some groceries and amongst all the onions, tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers I found Mr. Eggplant. I discovered him on Tuesday and sat in front of my refrigerator laughing my heart out for over 5 minutes. He was delicious and made a great turli.
Turli is an Albanian dish used frequently during the summer, when veggies can be found in abundance. I kinda have my own recipe for it: take potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, carrots, onions, squash, tomatoes, zucchini (basically any kind of veggie that you can think of, and if you are missing something don't worry, it will work with any number of veggies) and cut them into pieces (peel the potatoes, onions and carrots, wash the rest). Put them on an oven tray;sprinkle them with olive oil, oregano, dried or fresh parsley, dill, salt and pepper. Put it in the oven at about 400 degrees. I couldn't tell you how long to leave them in because I never follow specific directions myself. I just check them once in a while...Usually it is made with meat (chunks or ground beef), but I prefer the vegetarian one.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


"With a few flowers in my garden,
half a dozen pictures and some books,
I live without envy"~ Lope de Vega
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