Monday, February 04, 2008

V-day Contest

I have decided to hold a Valentines Day contest this year.

Here is the idea: email me a short story about love (300, max 400 word count) by Monday, February 11th (ex: about a time when you truly felt loved in your life, or about someone special you love; whatever it is it must be something concrete not just about love generally and in abstract). You can submit it in English or Albanian, even Italian if you must.

I will choose 3 favorite stories. 1st price will win a special necklace made by yours truly…, the other two will win earrings. There is no reason for boys not to participate, you can always give the necklace/earrings to your loved one, or if you are a lonely soul then give them to your mom/grandma/sister/aunt/friend. Also, I will publish the winning stories on my blog, with your permission of course.

I hope a lot of you participate so that we can make it fun!
I look forward to read your stories about love.

p.s. email stories to:



Blogger belle_fleur said...

Po ti mi s'ke per te mesuar qe merresh me v-day contest:)) Nese shkruaj dicka do ta nis, por se besoj. Kam harruar c'eshte dashuria:PPP

2:38 PM  
Blogger bizele said...

jo skam c'bej faktikisht ke te drejte...

po c'ishte kjo njehere nese shkruaj dicka, per ty nuk eshte opsion, it's a demand! nuk dashuron asnje njeri ne jeten tende (se kisha fjalen vetem per gili vili)!

2:42 PM  
Blogger belle_fleur said...

Po beja shaka mi:)) Sigurisht qe kam dashur dhe me kane dashur, c'eshte ai llaf:)

3:05 PM  
Blogger bizele said...

epo hende fillo shkruaj, oj kjo.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Krasta Krau said...

poezi po deshe ne keto shqyp vetem... se te shkruaj enkas do me duhet te dashurohem enkas dhe nuk e bej dot me kast kete :D

5:29 PM  
Blogger bizele said...

sa negativ paskeni qene si njeri dhe tjetri:P...ju vetem nje lloj dashurije njifkeni!

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bizele, po pse na ben te kruajme plaget e vjetra per nje pale vathe tani! lol
i will do it for you and you only (and if you had not asked, i would have done it for me! lol)
excellent idea.

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eeeee, teme moj teme! degjo kesaj i bika, qe mire qe sdo ta festojme Shenin ( personalisht, nuk e pelqej) por te te nisim dhe ndonje nga ato "shpresa dashurie" por e di qe se ke keq ne fakt, ben dhe sevap:)
Ben dhurata:)

nejse, se fola shume, po doja te thoja, qe me bere te qesh, pasi nje qe njof une ketu, po ben dicka ndryshe per San Valentinin

ndiq LInkun

11:17 PM  
Blogger eni said...

vertet dhe une si Bleta dhe K nuk para me pelqen kdo dite por do ta bej zemren gur per ty:)

5:16 AM  
Blogger bizele said...

thnx eni dhe bee, I was counting on you two...

k, shume interesant gjynah qe nuk aplikoj dot dhe une...:P

looking forward to read your stories.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh, ka mbaruar konkursi..duhet te nxjerrin pergjigjet!

Po... keto dite, duhanpiresit, jane bere te papelqyeshem!

11:45 AM  
Blogger ELAIS said...

Thanks for the invite girl!
I'm on the road currently so I'm not sure I'll manage to write sth new (and even if I do I have limited internet access). But i'll definitely give it a try and let you know.


11:58 AM  
Blogger ak said...

Will try to.


1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O edi, the girl,

You know how rare are people who still like K's choice now?

have you seen her live these days?

SOrry, qe dola nga tema, po kshu e festojme V-day ne:) dmth me dalje nga tema!

4:27 PM  

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