game over
I had so much to share and who knows how many times I wrote posts, saved them and failed to publish them. Perphas you will hear them at a later time, or not at all.
I am running on a new direction, moving to a different town.
I will no longer have the luxury of time to update on a regular basis, thus its better that I lock up and say good-bye.
mos na u vono shume Edi!
It's about time - lucky u, enjoy
vendose me ne fund qe te largohesh...hajde suksese ne rrugen qe ke nisur!
flasim se shpejti!
How about if i take over this page!!?? Is that a good idea - HNTB
te uroj gjithe te mirat dhe suksese.
p.s. sigurisht nje kthim te shpejte ne blog.
shume suksese edhe pse do te me mungojne shkrimet e tua.
good luck, e!
good luck wherever you go. just come back once in a while.
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