Having come back from Europe recently, I cannot help but sit and contemplate the main differences between the old continent and the new. I have come down to one main conclusion: America and its people seriously suffer from the obsession of “seize”. Seize, as in having the biggest cars, buildings, houses, malls, supermarkets, roads, paychecks, beds, and even clothes & purses. I know my conclusion is probably shared by a myriad of other people who have walked both the new and the old land, but it’s so ridiculously true. That’s it. I just thought I would share this thought with the world.
Nuk i heq asnje presje kesaj qe ke thene me lart sepse eshte mese e vertete. E ke perkufizuar shume sakte kur ke thene vuajne nga obsesioni per te patur gjithcka ne grand scale.
That's correct. I'm adding some pounds while I'm staying here, although I'm enjoying the food, it's often too much for my stomach and since we albanians are used to not leave the dish with food to be thrown, I try to finish as much as I can. Well, I'm planning to do some gym when I go back to Albania. But you're right. America is all about size, big ones actually. Gjergji of konsumerizem would say it's all about the culture of consumption that is in here. Consuming lots of food, lots of gas, lots of time... but this is America. Lots of people :)
do desheroja te vizitoja ameriken nje dite, nderkohe azgje per te komentuar se nuk mund te krahasoj mgjth jam kurjoze çdo thone te tj.
That's to show that size truly does matter. :D
drini, tani paske ardhur ti si mysafir ketej nga anet tona. ne c'vend ke zbarkuar?
tena uroj te kesh mundesine ta vizitosh ameriken (nga parisi mund te gjesh pazare shume te mira per biletat ne qytete te medha si new york, chicago, dc etj). US eshte vend shume i madh dhe ka shume larmi si per nga ana natyrore po kshu dhe per nga menyra e jeteses ne varesi te cdo shteti qe viziton.
ça te them me , i ke vene vete pikat mbi i:)
Sigurisht, mysafir per nja tre jave te mira. Zbarkova ca dite ne NY, ngroha zemren neper NJ, bera nje shtriqje ne WV, hapa syte ne Baltimore dhe DC dhe tani po kundroj kohen e cuditshme te Chicagos. Thashe te vija ne Miami por mu ndryshuan planet, ndaj po e le per here tjeter Floriden. E kisha ndermend te te sillja ca shege por meqe ishe vete ne Shqiperi mund ta kishe nis biznesin pa mua :-p
Kalofsh mire
Drini po mu se mos me japesh nai shege ti,3 here kam ardh ne Shqiperi deri tani..jo per gjo po ke me shume fitim me ja dhon bleresit direkt ,pa kalu neper distributore:)
O Drino, po ku do mi gjeje sheget ne mes te beharit ti mo, apo do ma hudhnje me ndonje thartire te pa bere...ne vere duhet te sjellesh fiq/kumbulla/qershi
bizele vajze e zgjuar je:)
yes, I agree with your most obvious conclusion.
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