Thursday, April 24, 2008

good food, good friends

Studying all night and going to bed at 5: 30 in the morning, waking up at 7 and taking an exam for 3 hrs, all feels much better when it’s followed by good company and good food. I had always heard of the Japanese restaurants where they cook in front of you, but I had never eaten at one until last night. It was a very unique and entertaining experience, on top of the fact that the food was excellent.

Today, I am right back to studying for two more exams.

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Blogger Lily said...

I like your updates during the exam period. They make me feel a bit better.I am not alone.

Mine start in 2 weeks and I am panicking!

Hope your other two go well.;)

4:27 PM  
Blogger bizele said...

thnx Lily, I wish you good luck with yours!

11:39 AM  

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