Sunday, November 26, 2006

Blah/Blue Saturday.

I had a blahhh kind of Saturday during these last days of November.
A blah/blue kind of feeling which made blood rush to my head,
and then tears come down my cheeks, and then a feeling of loss.

Sometimes all we need is a smile,
a hug, a sign of love, affection,
or maybe just a very hot shower.
The problem is: why can’t we simply ask for it?

Hot and cold
exposed elements,
turn into stones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Bizele...that's what frustrates me more....
All of the time we are in search of some tenderness , affection or maybe just some change in our life.What is it , are we too dull and lazy to change it , are we not lucky enough , or is it just life that forces us to postpone having these feelings because of other more important matters?
I don't know...maybe it's just what you say: we can't simply ask for it...

3:29 AM  

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