Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I look so peaceful and cheerful in this picture, don't I. There is not a care in my mind. I even have blond hair, which I would never dream of having in my wildest dreams. If this picture only knew of the chaos in my mind. It's unbelievable how calm people can appear, when in reality there are a million issues playing in their mind like movies in different theaters. Could you imagine having to follow all of them? I think it's all related to what we decide to put on display for others to observe.

Today I am finding my peace in this song by Deb Talan, from The Weepies. I fell in love with it from the very first note.

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Blogger belle_fleur said...

hmm..edhe bjonde leshra verdhe:))...s'te imagjinoj dot.

5:20 PM  
Blogger eni said...

yeah , maybe that's why we like looking at our photos, to see how peaceful we look even if we aren't .I get your point.Well expressed:)

2:49 AM  
Blogger bizele said...

belle, e imagjinon dot cfare qenieje e frikshme do isha me lesh te verdhe.

thnx en-te kam thene ndonjehere qe e kam shume per zemer emrin tend?

10:32 AM  
Blogger eni said...

oh flm :)

12:46 PM  

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