Friday, March 09, 2007

Going back home.

Before I enter a new phase, which I have been advised will be “the three most miserable years” of my life, I have made some very exciting plans to visit Albania this summer-the country where I was born and raised. Where do I begin to explain to you how overjoyed I am to take this trip back (mind you I had initially planned to visit last summer, so you can imagine my disappointment after having worked myself up so much that the possibility of not actually taking the trip was not even imaginable; but it happened and I was crushed). So let me begin by saying that I have not been back since 1998, a full nine years, which is quite a long time, but is even so much longer for a former communist country which experiences change (for better or worse) at a very fast paste. I was not much more than a child when I left. Hence, I am thankful to my parents and my country (along with its numerous problems & paradoxes) for having planted in my heart such an enormous and ever lasting love, that regardless of the fact that I essentially became an adult in the US, a part of my heart will forever belong there.

Having said that, I am scared shitless of going back! Being born and lived part of my adolescence in Albania, and then moving to the US, becoming a US citizen and reaching a certain point of maturity in my life, my heart is divided equally between the two places, with my personality having been influenced equally by both cultures. But somewhere in the middle, there is a hollow gap, which tells me that in pieces I am a little bit of both, but as a whole, I am like neither of the two places. I have forever lost that feeling of belonging. I feel as if I have been left hanging somewhere in the vast grandness of the ocean which separates the old world from the new one. I am scared to the very essence of my core, of breathing in the air of a city which will surround me with unfamiliar streets and unrecognizable human faces. I am scared that I will get lost in my own city. I am scared of walking by the windows of my old apartment only to see the strangers that inhabit it now. I am scared of feeling like a stranger in my own country!

When I go back, one thing is for sure, I plan to walk all over my city (Tirana), without aim, purpose or reason. I simply desire to walk every square foot of that city, perhaps in a desperate attempt to catch up with its soul, ask for forgiveness for having been absent for so long, and get reacquainted. I do not know for sure if these or other fears will materialize when I am present there, but I know that I will experience a feeling which I have not felt in a long time. In spite of feeling like a stranger or not, I will know with definitive certainty that the noises coming from that city will speak to me in my mother tongue, and that would be enough to make my visit back a splendid adventure!


Blogger belle_fleur said...

I am absolutely happy for your trip and i think that you will have a fabulous time there.

I think i would be scared to after such a long time but i'm sure that fear will vanish as soon as you land in the airport, the moment when you will hear your fellow country man speak the same language every second:))

I wish you could pack me in your suitcase so that i could join you in this trip and have fun:))

11:48 PM  
Blogger Ll.T. said...

Every once in a while I tell myself that we are inhabitants of Atlantis (assuming that Atlantis is somewhere in the Bermuda triangle), a place somewhere in the middle, neither here nor there.

Ups, shkrova ne anglisht e pertoj ta kthej ne Shqip tani. Nejse, per pak dite po ndermarr nje udhetim tepke si tendin, vecse me kohezgjatje akoma me te madhe. Do te jete interesante te bredh neper Tirane, si dihet, po pashe ndonje te hutuar neper rruge po te pershendes :D

12:36 AM  
Blogger eni said...

edhe ti te njejtat ndjesi me mua paske , siç i kam pershkruar tek ai shkrimi "ne , brezi i humbur".. mgjth. ti i ke dhe me te medha se ke shume me teper se une pa shkuar atje.Shpresoj te mos stresohesh kur te ikesh por te marresh vetem pjesen me te mire..
kur do ikesh by the way, mbase dhe takohemi.une ende s'e kam te sigurte por nga gushti kam qejf te marr lejen e vitit..

4:46 AM  
Blogger ELAIS said...

You don't need to feel a particular sense of belonging to either one "world" or the "other". You belong to yourself and yourself is what you make of the sum of the Albanian, and American, and intellectual, and sentimental parts in you.
Those, together with the thirst to know more, be more, achieve more, belong more, will keep you safe and well off.
I wish that none of your fears materialises and all of your wishes do :)

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sa shume te hutuar do te jemi kesaj vere rrugeve te Shqiperise...

Per vete sa here kthehem me duket sikur rimarr forca edhe pse ktu ku jam ndihem shume shume mire.

Te uroj te kesh te njejten ndjesi!!

4:15 PM  
Blogger tetena said...

Do bej nje çik negativen.
Qe nga '98, nejse klubet para dajtit jane zevendesuar me klubet tek blloku ku une e ndjej veten fare te huaj se nuk i njoh.
Sa te zbresesh tek aeroporti, do te ndeshesh me rradhen qe ata qe kane miq, nuk e respoktojne.
Ne rruget e qendres se Tiranes nuk ka kembesor edhe per te blere buke tiranasit marin makinen tashti.
Te keshilloj te mos bredhesh ne periferine e Tiranes, ndryshimet jane aq te medhaja saqe te duket vetja ne nje qytet tjeter.
Mentaliteti i njerzve ka ndryshuar por jo domosdoshmerisht njesoj me tendin.

E mgjth ngelet Tirana qe ke qejf ta bredhesh gjithandej. Bashkatdhetaret njesoj qe te nevrikosin dhe i pranon siç jane dhe ti qe largohesh me mallin e vizites se ardhshme.

6:21 AM  
Blogger candyland said...

Going back home can be both fun and frustrating. It just depends on what time of the year you go and who you hang out with over there. Just try to have fun and don't sweat the anomalies that you'll encounter along the way.

10:13 PM  
Blogger ITS said...

Hajt rruga mbare ishallah!

10:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

have fun and kiss as many relatives as you can.
do not worry, Tirana will sort itself out. Just do not get scared by the waterless bidets and compulsive cafeing.
and one more thing, get lost the first day and get it over with.
after that, you will find your way again.

10:40 AM  
Blogger bizele said...

belle, hajde mi hajde se kam nje valixhe aq te madhe sa qe me nxe dhe mua dhe ty brenda

ll.t-i like the idea of Atlantis. po pe ndonje te hutuar marrezisht me aparat ne dore, me pershendet se une do jem

eni, deshire do kisha te takohesha me ty dhe me kedo tjeter qe do ndodhet ne tirane gjate muajit qershor.

elais, not surprisingly, your response in this post is along the same lines as your response in the previous post :)

mondi, me zor po pres te marr forca dhe une nga memedheu se me pret nje vit i veshtire kur te kthehem

tetena, pikerisht nga ato qe ke pershkruar ti kam frike dhe une-gjithsesi deshira per tu rikthyer eshte e mjaftueshme per te jystifikuar cdo lloj frike.

tea, I am looking forward to all of it!

its, flm

blerta, about the kissing- I always have that dilemma with certain people: should I get closer and kiss them on the cheek, or would a handshake do the trick? Generally I end up kissing all of them, and often (especially with men) I can sense their hesitation and confusion once my lips rest on their left cheek. By that time it’s too late to give up on the kissing, despite the fact that I feel even stranger kissing the other cheek.

lashe ndonje pa u pergjigjur?

thnx for reading boys and girls

3:13 PM  

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