Thursday, February 22, 2007

beautiful moment

What was your best moment from today?
I will tell you mine, exchanging emails about future goals and dreams with my (I cannot believe I have to call him this now, it sounds so cheesy and corny) hubbie. Oh...and then listening to Frank Sinatra sing Fly me to the Moon, early in the morning...


Blogger Candyland said...

Waking up to that and Frank Sinatra..can't get any better :) Bizele, I'm so jealous of you having so many flowers around. You always have the cutes flower pics and I love them.:)

As for me, today's best moment was chatting with two friends back home at 3 am. I could not sleep and they kept me company.

10:27 AM  
Blogger eni said...

Oh I envyed you for your serenity..every surrounding object in your life is so elegant and relaxing..You know how to create it...

10:43 AM  
Blogger bizele said...

Candy- i consider flowers like some people do with cigarettes/alcohol, an addiction. I figured if I have to have one I would have a healthy one, and indulge myself with flowers every now and then (also planting some).

eni; I think it's all about what we decide to share with each other, what we put out there as a display for the world to see. yeahhh maybe it was a serene moment that brought me to that posting, but trust me there are so many moments of my life that are “ohh not so elegant and serene”. It’s about good days and bad days, and today is a good one!

10:58 AM  
Blogger eni said...

Hope you manage to have only from the good ones:)

11:28 AM  
Blogger shqipo said...

ah yes... the beautiful romance of exchanging meaningul emails with your hubbie... who'll be home in 3 hours. i just love email!

7:50 AM  
Blogger belle_fleur said...

my best moment for today was that i slept a little longer than usual. I know it doesn't sound as exciting as your day but when you come home late after work, sleep is the best thing:))

2:44 PM  
Blogger bizele said...

shqipo, ti do me vdesesh mua

belle, everyday couldn't be extraordinary and exciting. sleeping in late is wonderful as well.

10:23 AM  

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