Friday, March 09, 2007

why are we here?

Last night he wanted to know, why are we here?
Without much thinking I answered: we are here to love each other, learn more about ourselves, become somebody, explore the world and give to it as much as we can.
So today, I am asking all of you, why are we here? Answer it in whatever context your heart desires, just be true to yourselves.


Blogger belle_fleur said...

i'm still trying to figure it out why i am here.

12:59 PM  
Blogger ITS said...

Why, to procreate, of course!

3:46 PM  
Blogger eni said...

nobody might know the whole goals in his/her life , but at least we have things we'd like to fullfill.Like love,passions,self development and soul exploration...

4:49 AM  
Blogger ELAIS said...

We are here 'cause we can't be "there" whatever "there" is.
So why we try to figure out what we long for let's make the most of the here and now.

4:55 PM  
Blogger shqipo said...

define "here"

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and define we

11:57 AM  
Blogger candyland said...

For some reason I believe that there is something I have to do in this life. Something that will make a difference in other peoples lives. If I only knew what that thing I guess in other words I don't know why I'm here. :)

10:12 PM  
Blogger d said...

here- being in the world, being alive, existing.
we-the people, the humans.
Of course that needed no explanations.
We are here to worship God, or to reject him, not believing that he exist. Is there anyone of you that have never pondered this, for the possibility of his existence? Here is a clue- God exist, like the bottle-rack, since Duchamp has met him/it. All those who believe they exsist because they have met themselves take themselves, like this, for God or for bottle-racks.
Another clue might be "C'est ici ce ne pas un pipe" (Klee), applicable to your most significant ideas, when one have to keep in mind that that really wasn't a pipe, was a painting.

2:10 AM  
Blogger bizele said...

mm thnx for providing tetena and shqipo with definitions, which like you said didn't need much explanations.

tea, you should pursue your belief, only then will you know what the "thing" is...

elais, i like your approach

2:34 PM  

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