Saturday, February 24, 2007


hoping that my headache would go away
committing in putting an end to the mess in my kitchen
planning on going to the beach later
regretting not being able to accomplish more things this week
wishing that I was high above on a plane
trying to restrain from meat
saying hello to the world!


Blogger Ll.T. said...

"...trying to restrain from meat..."

Yeah sure... how's that one going?

10:26 AM  
Blogger belle_fleur said...

i hope ur headache has gone away and never comes back.

why should you restrain from meat?? are u going to be a vegetarian??

Have a great weekend!

3:46 PM  
Blogger bizele said...

i'm not trying to be a vegetarian, but g's having cholesterol issues...

6:10 PM  
Blogger shqipo said...

cholesterol can come from different sources, e.g. eggs (main resource), milk, cheese, butter, fish (especially shrimp) - and the number 2 reason is simply hereditary (family).

1:19 PM  
Blogger tetena said...

per njeshin, te keshilloj nje aspirine, nuk ka me te mire.
Kuzhina - nuk te ndihmoj dot.
Ne plazh mund te shkoj me kenaqesi ne vendin tend (jam goce e mire e)
Sa mire paske plot gjera per te bere
E ngrena, eshte semundja e shekullit. Une mundohem te perdor nje djete ose me sakte nje menyre te ngreni qe quhet Montignac. Kerko ne internet dhe mendoj qe ja vlen.
Hello dhe nje jave te mbare.
Ta qaj hallin per ate koken se te paralizon komplet.

4:37 AM  
Blogger eni said...

e dashur provo te hash thjerreza me shume , ka me shume proteine se mishi dhe nuk te ben keq per kolesterolin:)

8:17 AM  
Blogger belle_fleur said...

epo keshtu ndodh kur i gatuan burrit ushqime shume te mira:))

5:53 PM  
Blogger belle_fleur said...

epo keshtu ndodh kur i gatuan burrit ushqime shume te mira:))

5:53 PM  
Blogger bizele said...

flm te gjithe per preokupimim. une mendoj se gatuaj normal dhe fakti qe vete skam probleme tregon se ai e ka te trasheguar si prob. gjithsesi, dieta eshte kryesorja.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems I got 6-7 women preoccupied – Do I call that call a miracle or a nightmare!!!! HNTB

8:14 AM  
Blogger bizele said...

you are counting a few men too, so it must be a nightmare...haha

(everyone that was mr. cholesterol himself)

9:13 AM  

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