Thursday, August 10, 2006

Who are you? (edited)

By nature I am curious.
I enjoy people and getting to know them.
If you are reading/visiting this site let me know who you are.
If you would like to remain anonymous,
you can still write something and remain a mystery.

I am...
a student, a pseudo-writer, an even worse amateur photographer, a thinker, and a lover.
A lover of the arts, people, books, music, conversations, life, flowers, the sky, the ocean and all the rest in between. I prefer to believe that each person as a result of being human has a portion in their heart, mind and spirit dedicated to humanity.

I look at my hand and I find that my fingers are identical to those of my father’s; my palms identical to my mother’s. I cannot separate myself from them; they are the roots to my tree of life. I look into my sister’s eyes and I see me, I look into her mind and we think alike, yet we are so different from each other. I look at my brother, he is a man, we were in the same womb, we have the same blood. I look at my lover’s eyes; they are not the same as mine. I enjoy our diversity; our bodies unite; we are one.
In the end, I am a tea drinker, a wine sipper, a dreamer, a dancer, a wonderer, daughter, a sister, a friend, a non-smoker, in love, often (very) confused, constantly grateful, inspired, sorry that a day has only 24 hours, and a traveler. I am human. Who are you...?

In the mean time:

p.s. you can either leave a comment here or write to
p.s.s pardon my ignorance of html codes


Blogger Cyn Bagley said...

I like your pic in this entry. :-)

If you spent some time on my blog, you can see that I am very complex... just like any woman.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Jennifer S. said...

Hi, I'm Jennifer... Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm a dreamer. A wife and mother. A friend. I love adventure.

12:01 PM  
Blogger bizele said...

good to learn something from you cynthia, jennifer and buried.

11:02 AM  

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